Tesla Powerwall 3

More Power. More Backup. More Savings.

The Powerwall is an integrated battery system that stores your solar energy for backup protection, so when the grid goes down, your power stays on. Your system detects outages and automatically recharges with sunlight to keep your appliances running for days.

It solves one of the biggest problems of sustainable energy: while solar panels are great for collecting energy during the day, they’re not so good at night – but that’s when we tend to use electricity the most.

Powerwall is a home battery that stores solar energy so you can use it day or night and self-power your home. Solar panels typically generate more clean energy than your house can immediately use. Powerwall stores that excess solar to make it available on demand, maximising your use of solar and reducing your reliance on the grid. Through the Tesla mobile app, you gain full visibility and control over your self-powered home.



Power Everything.

The Tesla Powerwall can power an average two-bedroom home for a full day. Compact and simple to install, Powerwall 3 is a completely automated system that requires no maintenance.

Powerwall 3 has more than twice the energy storage capacity of the original version with 13.5 kWh capacity. Over double the capacity means double the ability to keep your home running with guilt-free electric power.

Premium Installers.

Empower Energy are proud to be one of a handful of premium installers in the UK. We have installed hundreds of Tesla Powerwalls and are entrusted by Tesla to deliver quality installations at a competitive price. 

Harness More. Store More.

Powerwall is a home battery that stores solar energy so you can use it day or night and self-power your home. Solar panels typically generate more clean energy than your house can immediately use. Powerwall stores that excess solar to make it available on demand, maximising your use of solar and reducing your reliance on the grid. Through the Tesla mobile app, you gain full visibility and control over your self-powered home.

Tesla Powerwall Specifications:

  • Touch Safe - Touch safe for the entire family with no live wires or bulky vents.
  • Flexible Installation - Wall-mounted or floor-mounted, stack up to nine Powerwall units to power homes of any size.
  • Durable Design - Water-resistant and dustproof enclosure for installation inside or outdoors.
  • Always Connected - Monitor your solar energy use in real-time and receive alerts when Powerwall is preparing for cloudy or severe weather.


Usable Capacity
13.5 kWh
Depth Of Discharge
90% round-trip
Real Power
Max Continuous 3.68Kw/5Kw
Supported Applications
Solar self-consumption
Time of use load shifting
Warranty 10 years
Up to 10 Powerwalls
Operating Temperature
-20°C to 50°C
L x W x D : 1150mm x 755mm x 155mm
Floor or wall mounted
Indoor our outdoor
Grid Standards UK G83 / G59 / G100

At Empower, we always ensure our customers receive top of the market products at a competitive price.
Tesla Powerwall is a stylish product that brings battery storage to a new level.


Bringing Battery Storage To A Whole New Level Of Genius

Frequently Asked Questions

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Can You Go Off-grid With A Tesla Powerwall?

With Tesla recently producing the Tesla Powerwall 2 upgrading itself with a substantial capacity of 13.5kWh twice the capacity of the 1st generation, you can now operate in off-grid networks. This gives homeowners the ability to disable their connection to the grid and get rid of their energy supplier. This Tesla battery storage device gives you options that fit around your lifestyle and conform to your existing solar system.

How Long Will A Tesla Powerwall 2 Battery Last?

In an outage, the Tesla Powerwall is capable of lasting up to 1 day 17 hours and 15 minutes.

Should I Charge My Tesla Battery Every Night?

Majority of Tesla battery homeowners will typically charge and discharge their batteries every day. However, this doesn’t mean you necessarily need to charge it daily. This will depend on your reliance to night time energy and how much stored electricity you're anticipating to use. Another factor to consider when asking this question is the size of your household. A larger house that uses a significant number of electricity on a daily basis is going to need to charge their battery more frequent to carry on using this amount as a pose to a smaller family that doesn’t use nearly as much.

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What Is The Tesla Powerwall Lifespan?

The Tesla Powerwall 2 has a warranty of 10 years so any anybody whos looking to get the most out of a battery storage device will be nothing short of impressed when it comes to the Tesla Powerwall 2.

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Are Battery Storage Products MCS Certified?

Are Battery Storage Products MCS Certified? None of our battery storage products are under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme and therefore are not MCS certified.
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How Many Batteries Are Needed To Power A House?

The number of Tesla batteries required to power your home depends on the amount of time you intend on solely powering your home through tesla battery storage. Another factor that makes a difference to this is the size of your solar system.

On average if your energy usage is around 9kwh a day with a 120 square meter house size then 1-Tesla Powerwall battery is recommended to power your home.

If your household’s electricity usage and house size are significantly more, you may require 2 + Tesla powerwalls in order to completely power your home. However, powerwalls are not designed to fuel homes for days on end they are designed as a backup to a solar system when daylight has passed, and your solar system is no longer absorbing the sunlight. The Tesla Powerwall 2 is fully equipped so that in the event of power cuts or unexpected disruptions to the primary energy source your home still has the ability to carry on running as normal without any issues.

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How Many kWh Does A Tesla Powerwall Hold?

Tesla is constantly bettering their power sources, creating the first Powerwall with a capacity of 6.4kWh going on to produce the Powerwall 2 with a capacity of 13.5 kWh. Tesla has created the perfect solution to a common and annoying problem. With over twice the capacity of usable electricity to the 1st generation Powerwall, Tesla is continuing to produce top of the market products making people ditch old battery storages with half the capacity and upgrade to Tesla, for bigger and better.
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How Many Solar Panels Do You Need To Charge A Tesla Powerwall?

2.25x1000/400 = 5.625 kW of solar panels. On average battery storage devices such as the Tesla Powerwall 2 benefit people using 5kWh solar systems or more. If you're looking to invest in a Tesla Powerwall, you need to consider whether your solar system generates enough spare energy and has the ability to fully charge a Tesla Powerwall 2. We recommend only purchasing a Tesla Powerwall if your solar system is a 5kWh system or larger otherwise you could be at a disadvantage and won’t necessarily benefit from your storage device how you should. A 5kWh system is made up of either 17 solar panels using 300W panels or 20 panels using 250W panels. With your 5kWh system, you can produce enough solar to power a home, however, in the winter, your solar system will produce significantly less which consequently means you'll need to rely more on the grid as well as your tesla Powerwall for energy. Whereas in the summer your solar system will enable your home to run for a longer period with less reliance on the grid and your Tesla Powerwall.

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How long does it take to charge a Tesla Powerwall?

Some Tesla batteries take longer than others and this depends on your charging output as well the powerwalls lowest input. This can, therefore, vary the number of hours it takes for your Powerwall to charge.
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Can You Use A Tesla Powerwall Without Solar?

You can install and use a tesla Powerwall using standard electricity from the grid. Solar is not essential for your tesla Powerwall to function, however, solar power can be a lot cheaper than grid electricity so therefore gives you the ability to benefit by saving money that you may not get the chance to save if you decided to use grid electricity.

Tesla Powerwall Installs

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