The Four Main Sources of Funding for Solar PV Systems
UK Distribution Network Operators are projecting 6.6GW of new Solar PV capacity out within the next 7 years
Commercial Solar FIT Rates Drop By 28%
The last FIT reduction hit installations over 250KW with a 28% reduction.
The payments In connection with Ofgem’s new RIIO-ED1 (Revenue= Incentives + Innovation + Outputs) STA have obtained the figures as part of the framework which will run until 2023. The RIIO structure which is managed by Ofgem has been designed to ensure that organisations deliver reliable networks for the lowest cost to clients.
The Energy Network Association, DNO’s trade body, has been informed that proposals from Ofgem, for price control could potentially hinder DNO’s from financing and investment. DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) suggest that by 2020 an investment o f £34 billion will be required in the UK’s electricity networks with an additional £7.6million for gas network.
Nevertheless Leonie Green head of external affairs at STA has expressed the forecasts as ‘alarming’ taking in to account that UK’s current solar capacity is already in excess of 6.6GW!
Source: http://www.solarpowerportal.co.uk/news/uk_dnos_forecast_just_6.6gw_of_new_solar_pv_capacity_out_to_2023_3425