Landlord Electrical Inspection
Government legislation now requires landlords or a managing agent to ensure that the electrical equipment and electrical wiring system shall be in a satisfactory (safe condition). Each landlord needs an NICEIC certificated condition report for each property they own.
What does an EICR Periodic Inspection Include ?
During your EICR visit our engineer will check the consumer unit or fuseboard and your other electrical devices. During the visit the following will be inspected and tested:
- Check if any of your electrical circuits or equipment is overloaded
- Highlight any lack of earthing or bonding issues
- Identify any defective earthing
- Any damage or wear and tear that may effect the overall condition of the electrical infrastructure.
EICR Report
- Our engineer with provide a report highlighting any issues they find
- Provide a quote to rectify any issues found
No Obligation Quote
If your company is interested in an NICEIC Landlord Electrical Certificate
please contact us on 01425 461 461 or fill in our contact form with your contact details and our sales team will contact you shortly to discuss your requirements.
please contact us on 01425 461 461 or fill in our contact form with your contact details and our sales team will contact you shortly to discuss your requirements.